Tuesday, January 15, 2013

4 months old

Grant turned four months last Friday.  We're so thankful because he's started to sleep through the night. making Mommy much more cheerful during the day!  He usually wakes up around 4 for an early morning feeding then goes right back to bed.  He's moved to his crib upstairs and its going well with him and Wes sharing a room.  He loves to stand up in our laps and look around so I've started putting him in the exersaucer some to play, but his chubby little legs don't touch the ground yet so he usually only stays there a few minutes.  He still loves his swing, his mobile and his giraffe blanket and puppy that he sleeps with, playing patty cake and flying the Trapeze (some might not know what that is but it's a little song my Granddad used to sing that has been sung for years.)

He's started to laugh some and is always full of smiles.  He has the softest chubby cheeks that I can't resist kissing on all day.  He's starting to "kiss" my face back which is so sweet. We love this little happy guy so much and wish we could freeze time and keep him this little forever!

Chubby little legs.

First time in his bouncy seat.  Not to sure about it yet.  


The Holidays were a blur this year with travel, visiting family, and a little baby.  We had a great time and were lucky to get to spend time with our entire family.  The kids both had a good Christmas morning and got lots of fun things and some things that they needed.  The big things that Santa brought for Wes was a leapster and a racetrack.  Luckily, Wes asked Santa to bring Grant a few things and he listened so Grant got a rattle and a teddy bear.  I didn't take many pictures of Christmas events at my parents or Jons.  I guess things were just a little hectic with lots of kids and opening presents!  I did remember to take some of our "Cavender Christmas"  and our Christmas at home and a few along the way in December.  Enjoy!

Handsome boys all dressed for church.

Wes at Opryland.

Talking to Santa

Helping Mommy with Christmas Cookies

Grant and Grandmother

An attempt to take a Grandkid picture at Mimi and Pops. So funny!

Grant got to meet Kelli and Kyle.

Cavender Cousins

Opening Presents on Christmas Eve - Wes got a tie like Daddy's

Sweet boy talking with Daddy on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Dinner - the one time we use our China all year :)

Opening my present that Wes made me at school.  (Santa brought me a cold, I felt the need to explain why I look drugged in all our Christmas pictures!)

Christmas morning cinnamon rolls - YUM
Running to see what Santa brought

Santa brought a racetrack!
Christmas morning mess.
Built by Daddy and Ready to play!
Baby Grant in his new puppy hat.

Grant on Christmas morning

Travis has Christmas figured out he loves his stocking.  He patiently waited to see what treats were inside!