Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Special Visitors in Birmingham

Matt and Jennifer were in Birmingham for their first time as a family of six so we headed down to visit them.  We had a fun a weekend and I loved getting to hug and kiss on the twins. James is like a little baby model and just sits and poses and smiles.  So there's tons more pictures of him then anyone else!  Catherine made me work for her smiles and I never got one on camera but finally got one in person by the end of the weekend.

The Boys all went to the Barber Speedway Race.  They were excited!

Sunday we did something different and all went to the park for a picnic and to play some baseball.  The crowd was too big for a restaurant and it worked out great because the kids could all run around.  I sat on a blanket taking pictures and eating, which is what I do best these days.  

Picnic Time.

James and his mimi.

Grandmother and her 2nd Great Granddaughter.

Pretty Little Girl!

Living the life!

Look at those eyes!
Sweet girl! Finally someone to wear hair bows, and my old dresses.

Water break

Buddies, They always have a good time together.

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